Browning's Citori is more than a shotgun, it is the quintessential representative of the quality of the Browning brand. The action components are machined to exacting tolerances, heat-treated for greater strength and fitted using the traditional lampblack-and-file method to ensure precise fitting. It utilizes a transverse-mounted, full-width tapered locking bolt, which engages a full-width tapered recess in the rear barrel lugs. The Citori also has a chrome-plated chamber. The Gran Lightning model is ideal for hunting and sporting clays. It features a walnut stock with a lightning style and Inflex recoil pad, ivory bead front sight with a mid-bead, and three extended black Midas Grade choke tubes.
You must be 18 years or older to buy this item.
WARNING: To the state of California, this product is known to have chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, and harm to the reproductive system.