There are a handful of guns that claim the title “The Gun that Won the West”, but only one lever-action repeating rifle truly won the favor of hunters and shooters across the country: The Model 1894. Designed with power and practicality in mind, John M. Browning was the innovative mind behind the first sporting rifle that was made to handle the new high-velocity, smokeless powder ammunition introduced in the late 19th Century. With its ease of operation, quick handling, and chambering for one of the most popular hunting cartridges, .30-30 Winchester, the Model 1894 is a classic design that is just dependable and revered today since its introduction in 1894.
Features a straight grip checkered walnut stock, case hardened steel receiver, 20” round blued barrel, buckhorn adjustable rear sight, and a blade front sight.
You must be 18 years or older to buy this item.
WARNING: To the state of California, this product is known to have chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, and harm to the reproductive system.